LIKES focuses on physically active life. We conduct and publish research, provide expert information for decision-making, and coordinate development projects and large national action programmes.

Research is the key to understanding wellbeing

Our research and development projects offer scientific and practical information for promoting physical activity and health in society as well as everyday life.

We offer expertise in

  • daily physical activity at all ages
  • physically active culture in early education, schools, vocational and academic education, and workplaces
  • improving wellbeing and learning capability with physical activity
  • evaluation studies
  • multidisciplinary networks.




The FitBack network released best practices for school-aged children's fitness monitoring and surveillance

FitBack is an international network of experts with the common interest to improve the accessibility of physical fitness monitoring for young people. A review updated the overview of the best practices for monitoring and surveillance in Europe.


A major EU research project combines AI with health promotion

Likes from Jamk University of Applied Sciences is involved in the SmartCHANGE research project of the European Union's Horizon Europe programme.


Better Coping at Work for Teachers and Early Childhood Educators

Solutions have been sought for the coping, work ability and recovery of early childhood education and care and basic education staff. Workplace well-being experiments have been carried out in four cities, and the models can be utilised nationwide.


Finland among the top four countries in international comparison of the state of physical activity among children and young people

Finland is seen as one of the model countries for promoting the physical activity of children and young people. The physical activity scorecards have been reviewed at the International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress in Abu Dhabi.


Significant funding for the development of a comprehensive well-being school

The Academy of Finland has granted significant funding for a research programme to promote the comprehensive well-being of children and young people.

Contact information

Kare Norvapalo

Päällikkö TKI, Head of Department R&D
HYVI T&K, Research and Development
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Kati Lehtonen

Johtava tutkija, Principal Researcher
Likes, Likes
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Tuija Tammelin

Johtava tutkija, liikunnan ja terveyden tutkimus, Principal Researcher
Likes, Likes
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Eino Havas

Päällikkö, Likes, Head of Department Likes
Likes, Likes
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies